Saturday, November 6, 2010

of traveling and food!!

lots of stuff going on between this and my previous post,
i went to london for Trauma Conference in Imperial College last week,
i went to muar yesterday,
i neglect my psy for the past 2 weeks, (haha, kill me~)
i got my exam result slip,
and now....
finally, i can settle down...

speaking of Trauma Conference,
it's really an awesome experiences,
we applied for it 1 month before the conference,
and our application got approved 1 week before the conference,
all the prep work was done within 1 week,
everything was so packed,
i was busy like hell for that week,
however, it really paid off ....
the best part of the conference was those practical workshops,
where we get to learn stuffs like insertion of chest tube, intubation, cricothyroidectomy, etc...

my 1st cricothyroidectomy
and i'm the slowest...^^"
unlike eamsc and amsc,
this conference was completely academic-based.
(actually they have social events as well, but we ponteng it~ haha~)

sight-seeing was fun,
london is indeed a very beautiful city,
with lots of amazing artistic buildings, statues, parks...
the sceneries were simply breath-taking...

green green grass and witted maple leaves = awesome!!!^^
the red telephone booth!!!
posing like victoria??!! lolz~~
st. james park~ lovely autumn~
museums are awesome too,
too bad i don't have the privilege to spent more time on them...
(ps: i saw real mummies~ and dinosaurs too!!! dead of course~^^")
though accidents happened here and there,
but overall it was an awesome trip.
hope i can tour the whole europe next time,

1 day after i came back,
with my biological clock still jet-lag-ing,
spontaneously, i went to muar....

with a bunch of S.A.D. penang siao-kia-s,
(*S.A.D. = single, available, desperate /
sexually, aggressive, desperate, coz single is not applicable on one of us)
my nanny~ we stayed at his place~ 1 of the tourist spot too^^
after ruining his place, he brought out the parang~~ haha
the whole trip was full of craziness, fao-kua-ness, sarcasms, juicy gossips and lotsa lotsa fun!!!!

pi-gui-pi-guai on the road^^
at gunung ledang, we polluted their waterfalls with chemicals, hairs and nasal discharge~
we ate and ate and ate...non-stop.

yay~ my favourite food!! we finished 40 in 10mins^^
laugh and laugh and laugh....non-stop as well.
well, the best part of the trip was all of us are very close friends,
sporting, crazy and spontaneous...
so i guess u can imagine how was the trip throughout....

ai-yan beside the road

fao-kua in the 'palace'~
ai-yan AGAIN~ by a gigantic durian~
(ps: even dwee wee got infected too!!!)
i enjoyed the trip very much,
despite it was just a 2-day trip,
hope all of us can embark on another cuti2 m'sia trip again...

so, that's all for now i think..
gonna work hard for the next few coming weeks,
(ps: got my worse exam results ever...)
so, fingers crossed,
wish me luck^^
(ps: slap me if u see me slacking again^^'')


  1. wow a fusion of artistic photos followed by siao-lang collections..lolz. really craving for the next S.A.D. trip...hmm wonder who is our next victim tis time...hehehe. i better update my blog soon. mine has se-kor d...

  2. lolz~ yalor~ such a big contrast~~ but honestly, i really enjoyed this crazy S.A.D. trip more!!! so gonna plan the next one soon!!! maybe ipoh???!! haha~ lolz~~ need any anti-fungal for ur blog??

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! rachel mummy, i want to go London also. Looked so fun, yet beneficial.

  4. haha~ yaya~ it's really fun, too bad it clashed with your exam this year...maybe next year?? haha, i heard hauwei wanna go too, ajak him go together la^^ happy hoilday yea =)

  5. good to see that u enjoy a lot, i also wanna have such fun like u,haha
