Saturday, June 27, 2009

my horoscope~ gemini^^

有很多的朋友,可是'看起来朋友很多,可是知心的没有几个'这句话很深刻的形容了双子。双子很能说话,他跟别人可以天南地北的聊,可以聊得很八卦,也会聊一些很严肃的话题。双子可以跟你聊很多东西,可是注意了,他都只是跟你聊一些不关自己的事。随便他跟你说些什么,可是跟自己有关的都只是些皮毛而已。比如,今天又有某个明星怎样怎样了;隔壁班有多少美女帅哥的。关于自己的事,他几乎是不说的,就算是说,也是说一些关于自己无关痛痒的事。当你想更进一步的了解双子,他会很自然的把话题给扯开。 对于自信的双子来说,他又同时很没有安全感,这是双子特有的矛盾。他喜欢把自己重重包围住,不让自己暴露。对于双子来说,如果在一个还不了解的人面前把自己暴露了,就等于让别人抓住了自己的把柄。这样就失去了一定的优势。当双子感到独孤悲伤时,只会一个人躲在房间里哭,或者一个人郁闷着。 双子也很怕被伤害,很多时候宁愿自己承受一切,也不愿别人抓住自己的把柄。所以久而久之也就养成了习惯。 双子基本上也是个很痛苦的人。表面上总是很有活力,很快乐的样子,可是没人的时候他又总是很忧伤。双子总会被一种莫名的悲伤笼罩。但他不会让别人发现的,他怕被伤害,也怕被别人抛弃,只能自己硬挺着一切。所以双子很神经质,精神脆弱,容易人格分裂,因为承受了太多的东西. 一般来说双子的孩子都很早熟。双子对很多的东西都在乎得要命,可是表面上就是看起来什么都不在乎。双子并不是故意要掩饰自己,上面说了,这只是一种习惯了,可是在外人看来他就成了虚伪的人。 双子是被公认的最花心、最冷酷无情的星座。其实对于双子的花心,真的不想再说些什么了。解释得太多,累了,也没耐心了。可是说起双子,就不得不提感情,双子这一生,似乎必须被感情牵伴,跟爱情纠缠一世。很多人说双子并不花心,只是博爱,所以才会有那么好的人缘。忘了在哪里看见了这样的一句话:双子最大的悲哀在于有两个人的思想,却只有一个人的身体,双子有爱自己所爱的人的权利,也有保护彼此所爱的人的义务,双子只剩下一个时,爱也就只剩下义务了。 我想用如来若去说的一句话给双子的花心做个总结:花心的极端就是痴心的可怕。该懂的人应该会懂的。至于冷酷无情真的不知道该从何说起。其实双子是最平和的星座,如果可以不发生冲突,都会尽量避免。双子也很少跟别人吵架,他讨厌吵架,如果是因为一些生活琐碎小事吵架,那么双子就在吵完的那一刻就把这件事给忘了; 要双子真的跟你翻脸,除非是你的所作所为或所说的话实在让双子不能忍受,这时他会很鄙视得看你一眼,然后头也不回地走掉,甚至会不给你留面子地离开。这时你一辈子也别想再和他和好了,就算有的双子碍于面子和你再成为朋友,但是他们已经对你鄙视到了极点,只不过维持着这一层不得不维持的'朋友'关系其实,很大一部分双子,对待感情是非常专一的,之所以给人留下花心的美名,是因为很少有人能够让略带童心的双子动真感情,不是双子铁石心肠,而是双子个性里面天生有一些忧郁,一些潜在的不自信,只是双子隐藏的深入,可是一旦让双子动了真感情,那么恭喜你了,双子的天真,率直,外加表达能力丰富,一定能让你获得很多快乐。 每个双子都有一个故事隐藏在心里,多数是不堪回首的往事,双子是个念旧或者说是喜欢沉浸在回忆中的星座,他(她)的这个故事通常都是因情所困,动了感情而被伤害了的双子是脆弱的,也是坚强的,他(她)可以很快的振作起来,可以当什么事都没有发生,这些都是双子演给世人看的罢了,等到夜深人静的时候,双子内心的伤痛随着血液渗透到全身,他(她)可以一整夜的去回忆之前的点点滴滴,可以一整夜的沉浸在痛苦之中,可以一整夜坐在那里发呆,但是,一旦天亮了,要出去见人了,双子马上就从痛苦中抽身而走,你看到的肯定是一个神采奕奕的双子,这就是双子,拥有双重性格的双子,一个在世人面前乐天,快乐,在孤独夜晚独自伤悲的双子。 双子的爱是最永恒的,可以付出一切,有人说我们花心,那时我们没有真正的爱,当双子爱上一个人的时候是痛苦的,因为我们太敏感。假如双子爱上了一个不爱自己的人,那莫我相信他永远都不会再爱了,当爱给过了一个人,他再也没有能力再付出了,其实太多的人都不懂我们,其实连我们自己都不懂自己,我们很会伪装,很会说谎,但我们最细腻,对感情最敏感,双子的爱与悲伤,谁又真的了解!

get this long long description from a horoscope quiz done in the fb,
kinda surprising that they gave me such a long lengthy, detailed and different explaination...
does this sounds like bipolar mania or bipolar depression???

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a salute to my world's best dad^^

actually this post should be written earlier at last sunday, but somehow or rather, because of my 'ke-pin-tua-an', it was been delayed until now....paise o 'ah-d'~~

hehe, this is how i call my's actually a short-form of 'daddy', and chinese always like to add 'ah' in front of their names, like 'ah-beng' and 'ah-lian', so it become like that lorr...

okay, here is just some precious moments that i shared with my 'ah-d' it's come~~ huhu^^

okay...this is my most leng-chai 'ah-d'....a bit like '白眉道人' now...'yeng' le??
ah-d act cute?!^^
does the background seems a bit familiar?? hehe, bingo! that's my 1st year college-ktsn, i can't tahan that place and keep on complaining about it and hence my dad n mum came n visited me lorr~~
i actually taken this pic secretly from the back-seats when my dad and mum sent me to the bus station at sg. nibong....i usually will 'korek-jalan' all the way there...saying that i don't wana go back kl....^^
my dad's 背影,i get the 灵感 from 朱自清....we go for hiking that day^^ huhu^^
my dad's favourite spot---uncle lim's properties^^
he actually suggested me to buy a house there...=.=lll...sweat....
hehe, i like this pic the most...^^
cool dad!

i have actually rang him on last sunday and guess what's the 1st thing that he told me???

dad: wa!! ho-lo! lu jie ka-lai, wa tok 'kui-orr' liao.. (pls read in hokkien^^'')
in translation...
dad: wa!! good lo! once u called me, i terus "kui-orr" already...(which means 'win' in mahjong....)
me : =.=lll...swt....

i saw this from the papers 2day, which actually give me a mixed emotions....and here some part from it....




so, let us all say: hapy father's day!!! lov u daddy!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

wisdom from a great doctor - Doctor Shigeaki Hinohara

Energy comes from feeling good, not from eating well or sleeping a lot.
We all remember how as children, when we were having fun, we often forgot to eat or sleep. I believe that we can keep that attitude as adults, too. It's best not to tire the body with too many rules such as lunchtime and bedtime.....

Pain is mysterious, and having fun is the best way to forget it.
If a child has a toothache, and you start playing a game together, he or she immediately forgets the pain. Hospitals must cater to the basic need of patients: We all want to have fun. At St. Luke's we have music and animal therapies, and art classes.

Doctor Shigeaki Hinohara~

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

无题 II。。。





加油加油!!! 打起精神来!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


无心向学 。。。怎么办?

Friday, June 12, 2009







*just read an interesting article about this great man, wonderful and wise sayings indeed...


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hapy birthday my dear^^

2day is my 22nd bithday^^
some1 told me that it's not a good birthday....because....

2+2 = 4 = die
2x2 = 4 = aso die...
2/2 = 0 = nothing = mou tou...(non-exist)

haiz, initially i thought it was just crap....
but now...
i start to re-consider back...
bad flu...
bad mood...
bad emo...
1st time celebrating with books + tones of homeworks....
1st time not celebrating with my dear family...
1st time not celebrating with my dear sisters...

i try to calm myself down, persuading myself to be grateful, at least persuade myself to be truly hapy for this 22yo birthday...

but, not really working aso...

maybe it's time for me to grow up now...

i have to...

learn to celebrate with works....
learn to celebrate myself...
learn to celebrate without my dear parents by my sides....
learn to celebrate without the whole bunch of sisters crazy-ing in the redbox...
learn to celebrate with a smiling face and a crying heart...

learn to be happy though i'm alone...
learn to be tough...
learn to seal up the heart...
learn to be innocent, stupid, and insensitive...
learn to live by my own...
learn to be a happy-idiot...

life is simple...
when you live on your own...

i still can re-call that someone told me this before...


i truly believe in this before, but now...
it was just craps...

life isn't fair...
life never been fair before...

i'm tired...

on the other hand, i'm still grateful for being able to survive till now...
i have problems...
i know they can't be solved easily but i will best, to solve them...
i have bad emo...
i will try to brainwash myself to be a stupid, innocent hapy-idiot...
just like what i am previously...always hapy n satisfy...

god have treated me so soooo nice,
passed my exams, even i hardly study....
blessed my family, even we are having really bad times...
in others' eyes, i'm the hapy, brilliant and fun person...
...has everything, worry about nothing...

so i should have nothing to complain of...

i should appreciate and grateful for what i have now....and...

learn to be stronger...
learn to be happier...or at least sincerely happy...

learn to be mature...
learn to be responsible...
learn to be grateful...
learn to love myself more...

learn not to be empty...
learn not to harm myself...
learn not to pity myself...
learn not to be over-sensitive...
learn not to be depress...
learn not to moan and complain...

it's getting late...
have to siapkan my homework...
continue later la^^

Monday, June 8, 2009

i wish~~ i wish~~

having kinda weird sarcastic emo now...

3 days to go, to my 22nd big day....

previously i was kept saying that....

"don't worry about me, i will post my wish-list on de facebook...u guys juz cincai pick any 1 of it la...muahaha^^"

however, to maintain my low profile, i think i will just post my wish-list here la...

....hahaha^^ chou pi^^

(tho some people said that the wishes will not come true if i say them out loud, but...aiya, cincailah...if really can't, then just think that i 'ss' lo...syok sendiri...or bs lo= buy sendiri, if can la...)

1. watch, really need that to calculate pulse and respi previous 1 kena air too many times od, due to my exerbated 'jie pi'...n she's nowRIP...

2. a small handsome wallet, i think...though my old darling still usable, but it's kinda 'fat', dirty and messy now...full with bank slips, receipts, rubbish, sampah, lapsap...blah blah blah...

3. i wish to have ALL the big apple doughnuts...all the flavours...huhu^^

6. i wish that all the mosquitos and cockroaches will stay away from me and my house....

9. i wish to have a full-body-length mirror....i seriously can't imagine myself in full-size everyday in front of a face-sized, damm so so soooo small punya mirror...

7. i wish that i can be free, free soul, free spirit, free time n free period!!!

4.i wish to have a some where some place...with blue skies and a georgeous sea...and a peace mind....

3. emm, i want all my family to be 幸福,平安,健康,快乐。。。this is what i will say in all my prayers...lots of things happened, good..bad...stupid...funny...but still.... i will always love u all...

4. i want to be happy, sincerely happy...

i wana to this and i want that...blah blah blah...kinda tired be continue...

(ps: if i still have any wishes)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

sharings: like these sayings~~

1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.

2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

3. Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.

5. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

6. Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

7. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

8. Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.

9. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

10. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

11. There's always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around.

12. Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.

13. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

緊記: 所有事也是因果循環的。

Being happy is the priority of living,
If u wanna be sad,
Be sad 4 something thats worth it.

got these nice sayings from a friend, nice sharing^^

Friday, June 5, 2009

int meds^^

busy + tired + damm fun^^